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Tunarr is available in two flavors: Docker image and standalone binaries.


Docker Pull Count

Tunarr is available on Docker Hub as well as GHCR. Docker images come pre-packaged with ffmpeg 7.0 (thanks @jasongdove from ErsatzTV!).

The general format of tags is: {release}{-encoder}?.

Since Tunarr is currently pre-release. There are a few tags to choose from which have different releae cadences:

  • x.x.x (versioned): These are release cuts. Because we are pre-1.0.0, breaking changes cause major version bumps and bug fixes are patch version bumps. Once we achieve 1.0.0, we will use proper semver.
  • latest: The latest tag points at the most recent release version.
  • edge: Pushed every 2 hours off of the "dev" branch. This build can be unstable. NOTE: If switching from a versioned/latest build to an edge build, it's recommended to take a backup of your entire Tunarr data directory. Downgrading from "edge" to a previous version is not supported; edge builds can contain non-backwards compatible changes, like database schema changes.

Each tag can also use specialized image builds which include support for hardware-accelerated encoding with Nvidia, QSV, and VAAPI.

Image tags are in the form TAG(-HWACCEL)?. For example, with the latest tag:


  • chrisbenincasa/tunarr:latest
  • chrisbenincasa/tunarr:latest-nvidia
  • chrisbenincasa/tunarr:latest-vaapi




Tunarr is available in the Community Apps store on Unraid. After installing the Community Apps plugin on your Unraid machine, simply search for "tunarr" and select the resulting app (provided by grtgbln's repository).

Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the container, including mapping the Web UI port. You can optionally pass in an Nvidia GPU or Intel iGPU for hardware transcoding (use the proper corresponding Docker tag; enable "Advanced View" for more details), and optionally map an existing dizqueTV configuration directory to migrate (click "Show more settings...").


Tunarr is released in pre-built "binaries" for Windows (x64), macOS (x64), and Linux (x64). These are binaries in name only; due to many difficulties (as of 2024/11/05) with packaging Node.js as single executable applications, Tunarr is distributed as a standalone script file with a bundled version of Node.js for compatibility. On Unix-like systems, this takes the form of a shell script, On Windows, this a batch file, tunarr.bat.

Like Docker images, binaries are released with versions as well as a singular 'edge' build which is released bihourly.

Prebuilt edge binaries can be found at


Pre-built ARM binaries are tracked at chrisbenincasa/tunarr#363